Thursday, April 21, 2011

The High Flying Misadventures of Mike & Mom...

The original intent of this travel blog was to keep it to trips taken with the kids as a way for them to remember all the fun times... but really when it comes down to it, Mike and I are like 2 kids in adult bodies, raising 2 kids and sometimes we like to shake the extra baggage loose and go have some fun of our own.

This is how we spent the long cold winter...

When Har Mar Superstar does a month long residency at Spaceland,
 we will be there...
Check it out, DJ Samantha Ronson opened for him...
When Timbaland throws a birthday party for himself...
We will be there:
...and we will close down the party with the one and only
Mr. Rodman...
When SXSW starts up, we will be there:
...and we will drink and eat lots of good food...
...soak up the Texas sun...
...and listen to lots of good music...
...and never miss an opportunity to stand front row and get molested by...
When crazy calls, you can count on us...
We will be there...
 ...with High Pitch Eric...
...2nd row is how we roll...
...a Goddess...
...La Machine...
So, when our kids figure out how to read and review their life on the internet, they can either be
A: extremely embarrassed
B: think that we are as awesome as we think we are
and be really proud that their dad was photographed with GOD...
Next up... RVing the western half.
Boo Ya!

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