Friday, July 1, 2011


Made it downtown just in time to find out the circus is in town...
Everyone loves a parade!
Lucky thinks it's a rip off that they didn't throw out any beads or candy...
He takes it out on this guy...
After having traveled many of the same miles as Lewis and Clark, Mike and I have a theory...
 Don't even try to say you haven't ever thought the same thing!
After all...
Doing time wondering around the old prison...
Lucky found a lead pipe and showed us what he would do to the prison guard..
eh... little violent there, kid.
The clink...
The laundry room...
The yard...
The gallows...
This prison was shut down in 1973 due to...
Lock 'em up, Warden. Throw away the key...
Worked up a hearty appetite for a little Trailer Park Cuisine...
...the hot sun can take the wind outa your sails, though...
 ...are you flirting with me?
Axel, clearly irritated that his lunch is getting photographed, instead of served...
...he puts ketchup on his ketchup...
Happy customers.
Thank you, Come again.
Let's make like a potato and get baked...
You don't have to tell us twice...
But first...
Snake Canyon River
Evel Knievel failed to make this jump in 1974...
...and this guy jumped from the bridge...
Our mighty and faithful copilot...
...has a keen eye for all things camouflage...
...and giant.
A quick PSA before Yellowstone...

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