Thursday, March 4, 2010

Kaua'i, Hawaii ~ Part II

Things are definitely coming to an end here. We are slowing down and burning out.
The vacation wad has been blown.
The day of the tsunami scare was a warm day full of sunshine. Since then the trade winds have blown in and there has been an overcase. The temperature has remained in the low 70s. It's funny seeing the locals wear down parkas and listening to them complain about the cold weather.
Day 4:
Knowing there is only one real Puka Dog in the world...
...we stop by to get our ultimate fix...
...before we make way to the grand canyon of the islands...
Being that we were climbing in elevation and with my "condition" and all, high elevations are not recommended. We decide to cut it short with sort of a Clark Griswold nod over the gorge...
Down the hill, we land in the small historic town of Hanapepe and come to find out that...
...this is the town that Lilo and Stitch was fashioned after, except Disney made the artistic decision to transfer a replica to the lush rainforest on the north side of the island.
Your friendly neighborhood Lucky has had a hard time connecting with other kids on this trip, so when he met this little girl we stuck around for awhile to let him play. Never caught her name...
...but, I am sure it had to be Lilo...
 The time change has been fully embraced by all, so it looks like we will have to work at getting back to normal real soon. A pizza, a payperview and an early bed time.
Day 5:
A half assed attempt was made to check out the north shore...
There are some beaches and some crazy wicked waves...
...some caves...
...and some ultra thick and lush vegetation...
Some hikes that will take you to some pretty sweet places.
Not us though...
All homesick Lucky cared about was going back to his hotel room, but mostly back to his home in Minnesota. Bless his sweet little heart and his brain.
So, he was pacified with one last cold one where Puff the Magic Dragon frolicked in the autumn mist in the land of Hanalei...
Can't say I exactly blame him. We've all enjoyed our time here, but we are all also good and ready to sleep in our own beds and eat food out of our own kitchen. And besides, we have been waiting in anticipation for two great things back home.
Last and Final Day
Day 6:
We gather up all our crap before going to the pool for one last swim. It will still be a few months before our pool at home is able to open...
This belly was definatly not this big when we left for San Francisco. What happened? Going on 20 weeks is what happened, I guess...
Our last day happens to be the only day it rains, the kind of misty rain that comes and goes quickly, then comes back a little harder for a little longer. I swim in the lakes in May, we get through it and enjoy the waterslides and lazy river for awhile...
...before the bellman comes and takes it all...
We get to the airport exceptionally early and have dinner. Lucky points to the fancy fruity cocktail picture in the menu. Mike asks him if he is having a rum punch. When the waitress comes by, Lucky is the first to speak up saying with all confidence, "I will take a rum punch." She brings him a fancy fruit cocktail with all seriousness...
He passes out before the flight even takes off and is asleep for the duration on the 5 hour red eye to L.A.
Mike sleeps, too. Not me.
Lucky is a cheerful guy at from 4am to 6am while waiting for our next flight.
He is just so happy to be getting home.
He passes out again on the way to MSP.
Mike sleeps.
Not me.
This is what I am looking down at in dread, while still wearing my flip flops. Wondering why everyone keeps telling me the snow is melting!?!
Welcome to the Twin Cities.
E Komo Mai!


Stacy said...

welcome home! spring is springing. you'll have to go on another trip quick, I like your blog. or you could do as i do and blog about driving to wisconsin, or going to the global market.

Anonymous said...

I love the one of Lucky sleeping on the plane! Hope you're getting your sleep now. ~Kim